Our boys are in Argentina with FPC until next week. They have been gone a week already and are having a wonderful time. I spoke with Cooper today who told me that he was enjoying seeing the many ways that missionaries are used on the international field. I think that he is recieving great vision for his opportunities that he will have in Guatemala.
This is a to the point post tonight. I'm short on time and yet feel like these are great works of the Lord going on in our lives that might interest those that pray and love us. The sell of our van and unity for our family and especially our children having vision for the mission field has been a prayer concern for a while.So to report to you that our van has sold and that our boys are "doing" their own international trip and catching a vision for international missions independent of David and I ..well, we just praise God for answered prayers! He's so HUGE and REAL!
Good night friends,
I feel blessed to have met you and am in AWE of what you have planned for your family and especially for God!! Stealing a little bit from our homework in No Other Gods - "I tell you the truth,"Jesus replied, "no one who has left home or brothers or sisters.....will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age and in the age to come, eternal life." (Mark 10:29-30) This is not in vain - the hard work - is all for God and that's how he wants us all to dedicate our lives to him. Some in missions and some in other areas. I will never walk through Walmart the same again! I pray for you and your family - "all things are possible with God." (Mark 10:27)
Hi Evans family!
In answer to your comment on our blog, of course we remember you and hate that we didn't get to see you this last time in the US.
So glad to hear that you're following up on our conversation that day and heading out. I think that's neat, and we'll have to add you to the list of people we "remember."
Hello Evans Family,
My name is Billy Guy, and my family and I had the opportunity to participate in a fundraiser for you guys at the Summit VBS. We attend Church at the Grove with Russ and Jill Butcher, and are good friends with Craig and Tonya Calhoun. We've heard so many wonderful about your family, and were wondering if we could sign up for your newsletter. If you would be kind enough to email me info on signing up at guywilliam@comcast.net, we would greatly appreciate it. I work with six Guatemaltecos, so your mission is of particular interest to me. God Bless!
P.S. Congratulations on selling your van and praise God for the vision your children are recieving in Argentina!! Ojala que esta practicando hablar espanol.
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