Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Confession of a Home School Mom
On a funny note.... I overheard two of my teenagers talking in the kitchen about the third one who had offended one of the two ( are you still with me?) I heard " Ah, you know you still love him? " .." HUmmm" .... "Ah, come on. Down deep inside you love him." ..... Yeah, okay ...maybe....way, way, way deep down inside."...... I couldn't help but giggle to myself and tell myself at least they didn't say NO. It's the SMALL words of love that are encouraging when you have 3 teenagers all three years apart.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Schools out for Christmas! I'm back to blogging
Wow! Is it really possible that the whole month of November and most of December have gone? That's what's on the calendar and we do have a Christmas tree up so... it must be true! Our family has been soo busy since I came back from China. What an amazing trip that was ! Truly, my most exciting adventure so far. We were able to be a part of 4 people beginning their walk with God and our friends have just emailed that 16 more have come to know the Lord! Plus they have held a translation class for villagers from many different areas of China! Gods' word is going out !!!! This is HUGE and we praise God with them for what they are witnessing there!
Here, at the Evans home, we have had a really different holiday season. Different in great ways. For Thanksgiving , our family(David , the children and I) shared Communion together. It was beautiful. We read the Communion passages from the Bible and went around the table sharing what we were thankful for. Precious. We were able to travel to Chattanooga, Tn and participate in the writting of the 30 year anniversary edition Bible for NIV. They are compiling every verse of the Bible in handwriting from individuals all over the country. This Bible will be available in the Fall of 2009. Grayson and I both wrote a verse. This was so exciting to me... We went from there to Build a Bear and our little guys and Grayson stuffed bears and rabbits, gave them hearts and little voices. Eli loves to make his bear growl right when he gets into bed. I was getting on to him for continuing to push the paw when he so sweetly looked at me and informed me that he was just saying "good night". Of course, why didn't I understand that ?
And all of the fun continues..... as of yesterday at 1:00 we are out for Christmas ! I think that I might be more excited than the children. I have a ton of plans... scrapbooking, reading, making a blanket with Grayson, making cookies...nothing that has to do with a text book for TWO weeks!!!
Things are growing by leaps and bounds with our ministry support! We receive our weekly reports on Monday so I will post where we're at Monday night ( since we have no school !!SMILE) . We also have heard that if we have our support at 100% by May 3rd then we can almost be sure that we will land in Guatemala JUNE of 2009!!!!!!!! It takes 30 days to process our visas, get tickets, pack our 16 Rubbermaid tubs (smile), to stop pinching ourselves, etc... this is a call from the Lord that has been working itself out in David and I for about 8-9 years now. We are Sooo ready to go! If you are a part of our team BLESS YOU ALL for jumping on board !!!! Thank you for allowing us to ALL be a part of what God is doing in Guatemala. If your not a part and desire to be WONDERFUL ! You can sign up and find out about us at www.fh.hcstafflist.org... just look for the Evans family. You can also google Food for the Hungry and read up on the wonderful things this amazing organization is doing to share the gospel of Christ in the hard places of the world in really unique and practical ways. In my words, they are changing hearts through changing lives.
Praise be to God from whom ALL blessings FLOW,
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Bye .... for now !
Friday, October 31, 2008
Love...It's a GOD Thing!
If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.
1 Corinthians 13:1-3
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Psalm 18 :28-36

Saturday, October 11, 2008
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body , I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!
Galatians 2:20-21
So where are you at with that?...... Just something to think about. Who ever you are.... you are loved and worth great value. Grab a Bible and check it out! Have an awesome Saturday!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
How Exciting!!!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
I Found 2 New LOVES Today....
1. MOPS- I had the blessings of speaking to this beautiful group of women today ! Wow! Where was this when I had all of my guys as preschoolers. I was so encouraged to see these women really aspiring to be GREAT mothers! very encouraging...
2. Ru Sans has take out! (sushi)..... David and I saw FIREPROOF last Friday and it was AMAZING ! Also amazing but on a totally insignificant level (okay, it has value because it was food) anyway, sushi at Ru Sans! We had incredible company and great food after seeing a real heart moving movie...My mind drifts back to the movie even just typing it ..(focus)...anyway, I thought I would stop in to the restaurant and see if I could get a roll to go ...David thought not but ... I got it! I'm so addicted to this! I should say that we've only tried 3 things on the menu of 200+ possibilities but it's all good... I'm stretching and for anyone who knows me really well...stretching in the food department is, well, stretching! I'm a bit "just give me the same " kinda girl... when I find something that I like I don't venture to far from it ..not this time. I'm in .... yes, there is a place for sushi in my life.....now if only I could work in MOPS ...no preschoolers though ...at least, not today (smile)...
I hope that the Lord will put something new in your path these next few days to stretch you , encourage you and in general ... just give you the shout out that life is all about new. You get a new day, a new chance, a new life... The kinda stuff that the Lord will lead you to discover and love will never leave you feeling like you just ate raw fish.... instead, you'll just take your learners bite and probably go back for more... only next time,it'll be take out for the road.
Heading for Guatemala one day soon ( We have a promise from the Lord),
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Adventure Racing
Monday, September 22, 2008
Go LIONS!!!!
Friday, September 19, 2008
***update on support raising****
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Lord, grant me the endurance to be patient....
Lord, grant me the endurance to be patient for what lies ahead. Give me arms to embrace what lies before me today and let me not forsake the giver of it all by being so busy "doing" that I forget to be "giving". May you be glorified in our lives TODAY .
Lord, you are enough! Amen
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Rain...not just for the grass!
Praising God for a few wet days that were DESPERATELY needed..not just for the grass either!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Sobering but to be Savored...the sweet GLORY of GOD!
anniversary, another child go into braces, both of our boys now in "high school" at home, 3 children starting "kindergarten" at home, a lost tooth , a wedding for my nephew and 2 huge miracles occur in our immediate family. Realizing all that God is doing in a swift amount of time will cause someone who has a real sense of temporariness to "this place" to catch her breath. I find that I almost am to the point that when walking out the door I grab my car keys, purse and camera. I'm not sure if it's just the "nester" in me (being the mommy) but we're leaving.... we are really leaving. No..no...no...we don't have a date yet and there's no news that we are not sharing with everyone at this time.... but the Lord continues to unveil his truths to us in a peaceful sense of living to the fullest, capturing the moments and befriending the stranger because this is it for a while. Our address here is temporal. Why does it take a drastic change in our lives to REALLY hunger for sweet closure to the ends of the days? to find out where the person you met really is with the Lord spiritually.... David and I were in Walmart tonight ... there was a couple in front of us who were in the self check line...David leaned over to me and said that the man was high...what?! I said...how do you know that ?.... David began to point out several things that were going on and it became VERY obvious that although most people watching me use the self check register at Walmart would think that I was on drugs...this man CLEARLY was. The very sad thing was that his wife was not and taking in all of the irrational things her husband was doing was just about to take her to the edge ...her jaw bones were clinched . Yet, at the door , the employee who checks your receipt was able to have both of them walk out the door with their "we've got it together "smile on...everything is great with us...we've paid for our groceries and our lives at home are lovely...... I could not break my stare.... Where are we going as a world ?... time is fleeing and our days are wrapping up and even in the uproar of Walmart on a Thursday night I can't go and approach this couple because my feet are frozen to the floor! Where is the sense of urgency for this place where God has me TODAY! I am challenged by what I saw and encouraged by what I've seen this week. Another story quickly, this week David and I were able to have a meal out at a local restaurant with a couple who are now going to be a part of our monthly support team . David had on his Food For the Hungry shirt and the waiter asked him if he was in ministry. After some small talk the waiter , very comfortably and boldly stated that he was a "devout atheist" and did not understand how anyone could believe in a God who would cause "such terribly destruction to the world". Our guest just so happened to be, as God had ordained it to be, a radiologist and well versed in physical science. He was able to cover some of the issues with this great guy and minister to him in truth and in spirit. Our guest and his wife are lovely people and never appeared offended or troubled by this mans opinion regarding our Lord. They smiled and laughed at his quirkiness and welcomed his humor and were a beautiful picture of God walking through this mans life and using his people (the 4 of us that night ) to engage in a great feet for this mans soul that was waging. I was only able to interject that I loved him (our waiter friend) ... the level of education required in the conversation was WAY above mine. And God , my father , knew that David and I needed company. God knew that David had the shirt to get this mans attention and our guests had the lovely attitudes and welcoming spirits that were unintimidating for this man and the head knowledge to justify some legitimate questions this non believer had. So, tonight I am overwhelmed with the fleeting of the days, the fact the God doesn't need us and yet I need him (my God) so passionately that without my salvation I think that my soul would stop breathing..even if my feet were given another day to walk in this place.
Father God, we don't deserve the gifts that you give, the view of the movement of you in others lives that we are taken into by you, opportunities to speak on behalf of your movement and saving grace in our own lives is breath taking... Yet by your stripes we are healed...by your blood we live ...and by your spirit we pursue things of a higher power that we can't explain only to tell the stranger .."I don't know the answer but I know the God who has the answer... can I pray for you brother? ...can I pray for you sister?.... Lord , find my feet movable in Walmart, find me haven hidden your words in my heart for the stranger...that all may know you who have known me...if not as their personal savior that they would KNOW that you are MINE! May my life be different God in a world that is craving for different yet it all is dressed the same.
Sobering but to be savored... the sweet GLORY of our GOD!
good night!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Summer- Going...going....gone
*Our oldest boys went to Argentina. They came home VERY sick. Jacob was in the bed w/fever,etc 7 days and Cooper for 9! (scary)
*My nephew was married to a wonderful and beautiful young lady.
*Cooper has gotten braces
*Grayson is having a little minor outpatient surgery
*David built some swing sets and tire swings in our back yard (VERY FUN)
*Jacob started playing football
*Grayson has a Saturday job
*David and our older boys went on a rafting trip
*and planning for 6 children to be home schooled next year (two in high school) whew! It's really amazing that I got anything other than this done! but I'm grateful for the opportunity !
Life is good ! God is AMAZING ! I hope that you will look forward to scheduling, school supplies, birthday parties, football and cooler weather! I know that we are!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Happy Birthday Mom!
By the way...that's Grayson behind the mask. Some people will do ANYTHING to not be photoed! Just kidding... she actually made this in order to have me take her photo! I LOVE her humor!
Friday, July 11, 2008
I've Been Tagged....
What was I doing 10 years ago?We were building our dream house that we thought we would be living in "forever" ... oops did we miss that one or what?
5 favorite snacks
1.chocolate (expensive, ridiculously priced chocolate)
2.pizza(for most people this would be a meal... I could eat it at midnight or morning...whenever....it's totally snacky food to me)
3.Ben and Jerry's New York Super Fudge ice cream....only found (usually ) in gas stations of all places.... hey, a girls gotta go where a girls gotta go ..the other ridiculous thing about this love is that it's pretty much the only (honestly) ice cream that I'll eat... other than my father in laws homemade ice cream....yum!
4. bananas with cashew butter and chocolate chips on top(devine)
5.plain choc. chips out of the bag straight out of the freezer ( I put them in the freezer so that I won't eat them as quickly...never works...)
To Do List
*well, this was on it for the last few days
*missions stuff..call churches, go to the po box
*scrap booking crop TONIGHT! yea!!!!
*pray hard for my boys while they are in Argentina and for Grayson who is the only one here to help me while they are gone
*haircut- but cleared this one off this morning..AND bought blush for the first time in (seriously) probably 8 years..why?..NO IDEA..actually, the sweet sweet girl who cuts my hair just gave it to me as a gift. I love it ..so fun! It's sort of glittery...
1.dental assistant
3.runner for a law firm
4.home school teacher
5.home school teacher....home school teacher...home school teacher
Places I've Been ( I love this question because I LOVE to travel)
China -blessed to have been there twice
San FanSisco
Rosemary Beach****LOVE THIS PLACE****
Arizona- the MOST romantic thing we've EVER done...rented a convertible and drove from Phoenix, AZ to the Grand
5 random things people might not know
1.I love unique jewelry and funky shoes (neither in the budget)
2.Every year I struggle to love home schooling but then when we've made it to the end of the year I always say...hey ... we DID make ... God you can use me ..even this far out of my comfort zone.
3.I have the BEST in laws in Rome, Ga. (I know this one is debatable by many )
4.I've always wanted to be as beautiful as my BROTHER..how weird is that ?....he's just gorgeous to me!
5.I love the thought of working out and being as fit as I was when I was 20 but now that I'm MID 30ish I'm starting to just be okay with thinking about it and reading someones blog instead .
CD's I would want if I were stranded on an island.
anything by David Crowder , my IPod is loaded with him..he is sooo passionate about our Jesus! And great preaching by Tony Evans...there is no way to explain his messages ..you truly just have to hear him speak about the Lord...he makes me shout for GLORY!
What would I do if I was a billionaire?..it's so far out of my sight that I had trouble even spelling it (smile)
BUT if I were....hum....I would head on out to Guatemala with our family in some funky shoes and great jewelry... listening to David Crowder with a little Tony Evans. I would fly to __ and see Stephanie and Travis bringing home some precious children with me....I would support missionaries left and right trusting that God would be glorified in the giving and receiving..then I would give the rest away because I can truly testify that having nothing much but all of Jesus is TRULY the ONLY wealth I will ever need. My deepest desires and craziest whims are met by the one who ownes it ALL!!!!
This was sooo much fun. I'm tagging Karen H. and Jennie W.Can't wait to hear your answers....
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
On a Lighter Note....
Love to you all brothers and sisters !
The Evans
Go With God and Serve Him Well...
Travis, Stephanie and family... Go with God and serve him well. What a joy it is to know that we will meet again.
You have made known to me the path of life;you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. Psalm 16:11
Just a little teary-eyed,
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy Birthday America!!
Happy red, white and blue day!
The Evans
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
At Last.... Pictures
Friday, June 27, 2008
To God Be the Glory ...Great Things He Hath Done!
I wish that you could see David and I at our PO BOX.We really are like two children. Right or wrong, we behave like we are waiting for that one special gift you asked for at Christmas. The gift that everyone is hiding until they've watched you sweat it out and graciously accept all the other things that you didn't ask for when the question "What do you want for Christmas ?" was proposed. We almost break into a run to get to the box.
To spare you the ugly details.. today was different. I was running this sacred PO BOX run solo. I had my worship music on to a hip-hop Jesus piece, it is Friday and the sun is out, windows are down. I even sprung out of my car with an enthusiasm that caught myself and a total stranger off guard. What would be in the box? Anything?....no, nothing!
I was really pathetic getting back into the car. The sun was still shinning, windows were still down.However, I changed the music to a little David Crowder Band (mellow with deep lyrics) and the tears came. Now, I want to stop here because I DONT want you to stop here. Please keep reading. The intention is to bring you into my car so that you can get a glimpse of what God did for us today. Anyway, I am leaving the post office and began a prayer basically like this. Lord, YOU alone cause the winds to blow. Lord, YOU alone cause the waves to rise. Lord, you alone have given me life and even bigger still....you have given me ETERNAL life. Lord, YOU alone have given me this day...not for Guatemala...but for here and the people you mesh us with TODAY. God forbid me not to miss the blessing of today by seeking so much of tomorrow that this is gone...the feeling of knowing our souls thirst for a land we do not yet know ...led and inspired by a God whom we DO know and trusting you to take us out each day and to be your hands and to be your feet. In your timing God ....all of it ...only in YOUR timing. ....Amen.
I'll wrap this up quickly. A beautiful time of worship led me to an incredible day of peace and contentment and opened me up for my family to be amazingly blessed....Summit Baptist Church held their VBS this week. They chose us for their mission project and called us this afternoon to say that they have raised 5,840.00 on our behalf....Was brokenness essential for worship today? It was at the Evans home. Deep brokenness was met with great GLORY.
To God be the glory, great things he hath done!
We love you all!
Blessed and Refreshed,
Evans family
PS. This donation today made 7,140.00 given to us by vacation Bible schools....never consider ANYTHING that God is invited to as a small possiblity.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
We're still here! ...and still blogging.
1. We LOVE our small space! What started as a "what are we doin?" has ended with a "why didn't we do this sooner?" Our children LOVE their "little brown house". I LOVE to clean our little brown house, the older guys and David LOVE to work on projects at our little brown house,etc... That saying,big things come in small packages is really true!
2.our church had VBS last week and we all had a blast! Somehow, they (our church) managed to be sooo sneaky that they surprised us by collecting $1326.52 to go towards our ministry funds. The children brought in their money all week that they had collected and I was completely SHOCKED ! ( David was in on it the night before) I could only cry tears ... I was so humbled by the moment. All week I had been watching the children stuffing money into their classes jar. When the church presented us with the gift I honestly could see the little faces that I had sat and watched that week carefully putting in their change. WOW!
3.Another church called and said that they were having a mission challenge presented to their kids and we were the ministry that they were going to help out. WOW again!
4.I met the mother of a friend who travels with her husband to do ministry in Guatemala twice a year! She was amazing! One of her daughters is serving the Lord in Guatemala and I was able to have lunch with her. She was able to give me LOTS of info that will be great to have as we get settled in. The more wonderful news is that she will only be living about 10-30 minutes away from us!
Lastly, we are up to 30 % on our support raising endeavors! This is wonderful to us and we are grateful to our team mates who are sending us out! If you think that you might be interested in sending us off or keeping us on the field with a monthly pledge you can find us at www.fh.hcstaff.org. Just look for us by last name ...EVANS FAMILY.
One last thing, I was challenged by a thought today and wanted to pass this challenge on to you ( whoever "you" are)... Are you procrastinating about acting on something God has spoken to you ? .... forgiveness, confession, acceptance, encouragement.... What if your procrastination ended today?
Hmmmmm..... it got me thinking.
Getting busy,
the Evans
Sunday, June 8, 2008
God So Desires to Love On You Today!
We have moved into our wonderful home that God has provided. We have been loaned a car to use the remainder of our time here in Rome while we clean, park and sell our van. We have been given meals unexpectedly(thank you !!!) which come perfectly in timeing. We have been given plants for our yard. We are reviving sickly sod( my husband is sooo talented) ...it is truely AMAZING! All of this and somehow I still felt a little twitch in my heart. What is this I wondered? How could a much loved child of Gods' have a twitch in her heart that needed something else after ALL that we'd been given ?! ... Prayer.... that was the twitch! Thank you to all of the girls who included me in a precious time of fellowship , bizarre "book talk" ( which was only bizarre because I didn't know about the SHACK before getting together...heehee) and encouragment to share the very different road we're on which is not really different ... it's just a journey in Spanish(smile). I arrived with a twitch and left with an encouraged spirit . As I type this I have to say that although it's June and almost 100 degrees somehow that makes me sound like the Grinch! (opps!) I hope that if you have a little "twitch " in your heart, a little "ping" of an empty love tank .. that you'll take this truth and share with those around you ... ask for prayer... God so desires to love on you today... and since we ( the believers in Jesus )are to be his hands and feet.... get movin' .... get talkin' ... just hang out ! After all, it is summer!!! whoo-hooo!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
If April Showers bring May flowers......
Just a little note on the end as well.... I have just heard of Steven Curtis Chapmans family losing their 5 yr old daughter in a horrible car accident which also involved their teenage son. Please join our family in prayer as this wonderful family of God has to walk through such a horrific tragedy.
By faith I believe,
the May flowers (Evans)
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
First Day in the First Grade
Also, there are no photos posted because I am having trouble uploading them. So, when I figure the snag out you will be bombarded with them...hee hee... I know that we're all on the edge of our seats.
First grade butterflies in our stomachs,
the Evans
Monday, May 5, 2008
Amazing Grace!!!
Our efforts to move towards getting to Guatemala are continuing to move forward with a life of its own. Weekly, our post box will bring us a new supporter or financial gift! What great joy it is to know that God is growing the increase.
We were able to speak at our home church this past Wednesday night and had a wonderful time. We are blessed to be SURROUNDED by believers who are ALSO eager to see us off. Our home here that is being "transformed" is almost ready for us. We should be living in it around 2 weeks from now. David has sold his company as of last Thursday and is employed by some wonderful people who are so supportive of our future plans in full time ministry. And lastly, David and I attended our areas home school conference. By the grace of the Lord we have been able to purchase our children's curriculum for next year and are prepared in that area if God would see fit to send us overseas during the fall.
We are up to 5% on our monthly budget. I am trying to be so excited about this number that at first seems so small. However, I must remember that 2 months ago we had nothing! God is busy and we are trying to pace our excitement and yet stay very busy regarding raising support at the same time.
Amazing Grace... How sweet the sound....that saved a wretch like me...I once was lost but now I'm found... was blind and now I see. What an incredible message that was delivered for the believers at FPC Sunday. YES! Gods grace is AMAZING!
Saved by amazing grace,
The 8 Evans
Monday, April 28, 2008
Scattered and Smothered
He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. Psalm 91:4
Having a lovely brown and yellow day, (WH colors)
The 8 Evans